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The Disillusion Factor


I know there are a lot of people like yourself who spend countless hours daily in the pursuit of Internet wealth. The truth is 97% of you end up spending more money than you will ever make. It seems the only people making money are the ones who develop the thousands of programs that appear every day only to disappear shortly after with your money and the benefits of your hard work. They utilize what I call "The Disillusion Factor".

That is, after people lose interest or they get frustrated with the hot new program they have been busting their brains on they shift their attention to the next "hot new program" of the moment. The original program loses momentum and fails. The life span of the average "hot new idea" is roughly 2 to 3 months. Anything around longer than that might be of some substance.

But who benefits? The beneficiaries are the ones who create the programs. They don't care if the program fail because they simply go on to create new ones. They don`t even have to be much different
from the original since thousands of new users come online every single day. You can therefore conclude that if you are not involved with creating any of the many forms of "get rich quick" schemes then you are one of the 99% who will eventually become disillusioned.

If you are new to net marketing I would suggest the following...

Never initially spend more than $25 to join any program. The best programs are those that you can join free or low cost with upgrade features as the momentum builds along with it's popularity.

Be very careful of HYIPs, Randomizers, Money Cyclers, and Pyramid schemes because most are scams. Money can be made in these programs but the risk is too high. The objective seems to be to draw you in slowly, build up the subscriber base for 1 or 2 months then shut down with as much money as possible.

Be careful of PayPal policies. They do not support many of the programs I mentioned above and they will cease your account no questions asked. If you are participating in any unlawful scheme do not use your Paypal account to fund it.

(4) Be aware of the "marketing gurus". They are the ones who create the thousands of "hot New" money making scams that employ cunning sales pitches to get you to spend $100 to $1000 on schemes that never work. The only thing about it that works is getting you to buy it. Then once you buy it you find that inside is loaded with more tricks to empty your wallet and make more money off of your hard work.

Lets all learn to bee free.

Free from the stresses of the Get Rich Quick syndrome. Statistics reveal that only 3% of all those trying to make money online actually succeed. Your focus should be on creating wealth instead of making a million dollars over night. The key is to start small and work in or with a team.

Visit Forums on making money online. There you will find many like minded people who have similar goals who are willing to share their expertise. Start with the basics (Free) and learn how to build a team. No disillusions just teamwork. If you follow it, it guarantees success.